Alien skeleton found on Mars: Is this the ultimate proof Mars was inhabited by intelligent beings in the past!

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Alien skeleton found on Mars: Is this the ultimate proof Mars was inhabited by intelligent beings in the past!
Are these claims far-fetched or is it possible that someone just made an incredible finding on Mars? Is it possible that UFO hunters have accidentally made one of the best discoveries on the surface of Mars?

In the photograph, taken by NASA curiosity rover, we can clearly observe what eerily resembles a mysterious skeleton on the surface of the red planet.

In the past, numerous images have been posted of mysterious objects on Mars. While some of these images can be explained logically, there are numerous images that defy every logical explanation, and the images presented here could very well be one of those.

Our views about Mars have drastically changed over the past 5 years. From thinking that Mars was an inhospitable and dry planet, we have come to learn that our neighboring planet was in fact very much like Earth in the distant past. Even today, NASA reports that there is liquid flowing water on Mars.

Scientists have learned that in the distant past, Mars’ atmosphere was very similar to that of Earth and that the red planet had huge oceans, lakes and rivers, just as our planet has today. Having that said, it isn’t far fetched to theorize that life could have developed on Mars in the distant past.

Dr. John Brandenburg, who has a Ph.D. in Theoretical Plasma Physics from the University of California and he is currently working as a plasma physicist at Orbital Technologies in Madison Wisconsin believes that in the distant past, the red planet was inhabited by two ancient Martian civilizations, and he calls them Cydonians and Utopians. According to Dr. Brandeburg, these civilizations were massacred in a giant nuclear attack – and evidence of the genocide can still be seen today.

According to Dr. John Brandenburg, there is enough evidence to prove that at least two major nuclear blasts went off on the surface of the red planet in the distant past. The theory proposed by Dr. Brandenburg is based on the traces of uranium and thorium that have been registered on the surface of Mars. This Martian civilization was wiped out by another hostile alien race from elsewhere in the universe.


Dr Brandenburg states: “The high concentration of Xenon-129 atmosphere, the evidence from Krypton-80 and the detected pattern of excess abundance of Uranium and Thorium on Mars surface, relative to Mars meteorites, first seen by the Russians and now confirmed by the Mars Odyssey Spacecraft Gamma Ray

Spectrometer, mean that the surface of Mars was apparently the site of massive radiological events, which created large amounts of signature isotopes and covered the surface with a thin layer of radioactive debris enriched in certain elements relative to its subsurface rocks. This pattern of a phenomenon can be explained as due to two large anomalous nuclear explosions on Mars in the past.”

However, skeptics firmly deny something like this is possible saying that Mars was never inhabited and all of the alleged artificial ‘objects’ and ‘structures’ that have been found on countless NASA images are nothing more the natural formations on Mars.,