26 254 Views Area 51 is the most secret and best protected area of the world by the US Army. What is hidden in the bowels of an inaccessible base? North of Las Vegas, near the Nevada Desert, there is an area of 15,000 square kilometers. It is the most secret and best-protected area of the […]
This video claims to reveal secret UFO footage. In my opinion it looks to good to be true.
7 346 ViewsHunting for UFOs was part of the military doctrine of many world powers. The official was not anything like that, but unconsciously or secretly about each country, not only the Soviet Union but also the United States and England, in the hunt involved.
VIDEO: UFO ‘crashes in Antarctica’
11 905 ViewsA strange object as if it has crashed into the snow and ice, sliding across the ground and leaving a trail in its wake.
Astronomers Have Discovered Traces of Two Highly Developed Extraterrestrial Civilizations.Videos
14 184 ViewsThe Kepler space telescope discovered the apparently more Dyson sphere (hypothetical superstructure that allows the use of absolutely all power is already releasing the star). 204278916 Star EPIC, which lies in the constellation of Scorpius at a distance of approximately 400 light years from the sun, blinking so strange that astron
Russia Secret Books – Alien Races – Race of Reptilians (Videos)
38 734 ViewsTypical reptilians are described as 180-240 centimeters tall, two-legged creatures that have scaly, green skin, emit an unpleasant odor, they have large eyes, usually yellow or golden with vertical pupils. Sometimes they are associated with the myths of ancient astronauts who allegedly came to Earth to colonize the planet and promi
UFO or a natural phenomenon?. In Canada and Slovakia.VIDEO.
5 432 ViewsSomething very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or UFO, CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going […]
VIDEOS: NIBIRU planet X. or giant spaceship, satelite?Judge for yourself!
11 962 ViewsNibiru Is Indeed a Planet or a Huge Spaceship – Satellite? Video. NIBIRU planet X. or giant spaceship, satelite?Judge for yourself! Sons of God Sumerian cosmogony speaks not only about the origin and evolution of our solar system, but also of the origin of life on earth and according to the following text was […]
Our Ancestors Knew New Technologies (Video)
9 169 ViewsCurrent time convincing me more and more that all what can be seen in professional books, hear on the radio or see on TV. far from being a monolithic whole truth about the current technological state of mankind. The world’s presumably already exist various advanced technologies to the general public from a largely selfish […]
Video: NASA and Vatican follow the orbital trajectory of Planet X-Nibiru.
10 976 ViewsThese objects can be detected with the help of LUCIFER and VATT – a bestial set of supercooled infrared cameras, also known as the Binocular Infrared telescope of great utility that, with its powerful and sensitive camera, manages to capture spectacular images to account for the extragalactic research . Remember that Nibiru i