5 557 ViewsKeep your eyes to the sky and enjoy! meteor showers in August, meteor showers peaking in August, what are the meteor showers in August, annual meteor shower august 14 meteor showers peak in August, with the major Perseids peaking on August 12/13. Southern Iota Aquariids Meteor Shower The Southern Iota Aquariids meteor shower takes [
Voices from Hell” and drilling the Earth through and through. Myths about the deepest well in the world.
5 185 ViewsThe spectacular scientific project featured in the Guinness Book of Records – The Super-Deep Wheel (SH-3) – still irritates the imagination of ordinary people and experts. Soviet scientists have set ambitious goals – to explore the oldest rocks of our planet and to learn the secrets of the processes that take place
Where did Jesus Christ go when He was ascended to heaven?
5 600 ViewsCenturies have passed and an event that took place two thousand years ago remains a mystery that no one can decipher. Was Jesus a being from another world? What happened in your life? For only three years of public life he has so influenced the lives of all generations who have passed through this […]
The Old Bulgarian calendar is the oldest in the world, recognized by UNESCO. According to him, we expect 7525 years
13 577 ViewsThis is a great intellectual, scientific work of people who lived thousands of years before Christ. The Bulgarian calendar is more accurate than the Gregorian calendar and only a few seconds apart from the astronomical calendar. When Bulgaria was Great Bulgaria, everyone was guided by our calendar because we had the economic, polit
4 837 ViewsKanál „Alien Planet“ prichádza s najnovšími videonahrávkami UFO / Alien Sightings. Pozorovania UFO vo vesmíre sú pozorovania neidentifikovaných lietajúcich objektov hlásených astronautmi, zatiaľ čo vo vesmíre nedokázali v tom čase vysvetliť. Tieto pozorovania boli nárokované ako dôkaz pre mimozemské návštevy ufológmi, hoci prozaické
5 462 ViewsIn Pinerolo the old hand down the story of a mysterious light that, in ancient times, even before the war, followed people at night in dark and lonely country roads, they called it “the culerc” – “… It was like a ball luminous round, not so big, like a pumpkin, it had a pale […]
Videos: Shocking whirlwind appears after prayer during church service.
28 754 ViewsShocking whirlwind appears after prayer during church service. The physical glory of God appeared just to reveal His presence ??? https://dailymysteries.com/2019/02/19/a-mysterious-statue-on-mars-and-in-the-egyptian-tomb-maybe-an-alien/https://dailymysteries.com/2019/02/20/a-unique-discovery-of-giant-skeleton-giant-possibly-killed-
UFO vs Fighter! (Videos!)
10 514 ViewsUFO vs Fighter! Military Plane Approaching the Huge Ship, but Just See what Happens to Him! http://in-2008.beforeitsnews.com/conspiracy-theories/2016/02/exclusive-ufo-archive-footage-filmed-in-2008-2473884.html Zveřejnil(a) UFO.-kruhy v obili a ine zahady dne Čtvrtek 4. února 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMlPDMoHu_ghttps://
A video in India shows a glowing, triangular-shaped UFO in the sky.
12 589 ViewsThis is something different. This is not the sun. I believe this is not a UFO, this is something else,” says the eyewitness in the video. YouTube conspiracy theorists argued that Planet Nibiru has now appeared in the skies and is now on a collision course towards the earth. Others say it is an […]