2 519 ViewsWhat is it? PLASMA UFO or Orb? Planet,star or satelite? 18.February .2018. Video is authentic without any adjustments. Something very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? People all around the world take photos of [&hel
VIDEO: GIANT UFO near the SUN ? Harvesting Energy From the Sun?
5 142 ViewsIs this a giant UFO at the sun? We dont know… takes the object energy from the sun?
VIDEO: NASA Receives Earth Signals from Radio Hub! A Secret Alien Civilization Lives Below The Surface?
7 789 ViewsIt seems that our search for life in space is closer than we imagined, would be intra-terrestrial beings well below our feet wanting to communicate? NASA is receiving radio transmissions hundreds of miles below the Earth’s surface and experts say the signals are being sent by a highly advanced intelligent life form. “It&
A Classic interview I did with Wes Germer, the main man from the tremendously popular Bigfoot encounter show Sasquatch Chronicles!
17 810 ViewsInterview with the creator of “Sasquatch Chronicles” about his evolution as an experiencer into someone doing their own data gathering, and the 1-2,000 experiencers who he has interviewed, and how his opinion on what is really going on has evolved over time and with the addition of ever more information from eye witness
“I have seen aliens – says the president of the Russian Cosmonauts Association!
10 591 ViewsAliens exist! At least, says Russian astronaut Vladimir Kovaljonok, who spent 217 days between 1977 and 1982 at the Saljut 6 space station. The Kosmonaut, one of the most famous in Russia, even said that one of the unidentifiable flying objects (UFOs) saw exploding. “I have seen a lot of UFOs in the universe, […]
UFO-The Black Knight Satellite! Video.
11 979 ViewsThe “Black Knight” Satellite? Nostradamus is quoted as saying mankind would discover a machine in space that was sent to us by the WATCHERS! UFO hunters claim the satellite is an object approximately 13,000 years old of extraterrestrial origin which orbits Earth.
Bigfoot in the Upper Midwest
20 002 Views Big D tells of the rest of his possible (and certain) encounters, talks about other nearby and recent sightings, and we both talk about sightings in the area going back 200 years! Photos from Big D, Duke, Khat Hansen; awesome artwork by RobRoy Menzies, Devin King and David Scott, music by Swamp Ritual. […]
Two suns video was taken on the 10th of February. 2018 in London. PLANET X?
6 115 ViewsIn our system there are two suns? NASA hides a secret?
31 100 ViewsThis video discusses the possibilities of this being a flying monk that lived in the area. I do admit that it does have a lot of similarities to the monk. Also, yes, some aliens could fly like this, but not most. https://www.facebook.com/UFOkruhyvobilyainezahady/videos/1692675424097653/