13 103 ViewsAccording to the latest posts, these artefacts were discovered few years ago as archaeological teams moved inward and removed debris that was characteristically preserved by Mayan temple builders as they rebuilt the structures over time. Located in the inner rooms and spaces of a particular temple in Mexico, the collection of statu
The Bermuda Triangle: Flight 513.
4 878 ViewsFlight 513: The plane took off in 1954 in Germany and landed in Brazil in 1989 with dead passengers The Bermuda Triangle is one of the world’s most famous conspiracy theories and an important element in ideas about the supernatural. It was first found at sea, but later rumors and stories about the Bermuda […]
Mermaids are REAL? Mermaid Skeleton.
3 016 Views Mermaids are real You thought the only mermaid in Copenhagen was the Little Mermaid down by the harbour?The Danish National Museum is here to prove you wrong. In fact, it has on display theA mermaid skeleton in the Danish National Museum skeleton of the Haraldskaer mermaid, discovered by a farmer while ploughing his […]
Aliens. Secret Archives KGB .Russian Secret Book.
23 131 ViewsRussian Secret Book. Over the years, the book has been replenished, were added to the UFO photographs, as well as photographs and witnesses abducted (especially children), but also statistics. And much more! In the 80s he was found a copy of this book in the field in Buryatia (East Siberia). This copy of the […]
The mysteries of the Siberian “Valley of Death” Siberian UFO.part1.
16 341 ViewsAcross a vast area of sparsely populated Yakutia in Siberia, we find strange metal structures and evidence of devastating explosions similar to nuclear explosions that recur every six or seven centuries. In northwestern Yakutia in Siberia, in the basin on the upper reaches of the Viljuj River, there is a hard-to-reach area that s
Crop circles and mysterious objects in the sky during a Solar Eclipse10.6.2021.
14 000 Views Crop circle reported on the 8th of June, at Mud Lane, near Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire, UK. Wonderful aerial photos by Nick Bull. Photos of objects in the sky during a solar eclipse what is it? Ufo? Planet Nibiru?? Photo: That’s the perfect solar eclipse in Chokurdakh, North-Eastern Yakutia.. Now I photographed the sun […]
Photos and videos Huge Skeletons: Proof, that the earth was inhabited by giants.
92 263 ViewsSuch archeology is called forbidden, because if evidence were to be accepted by official science, it would be necessary to change the books on the evolution and history of man. It is simpler – to refrain from speculating on archaeological discoveries that can not be explained.
ANCIENT: Baalbek Temple Complex.
19 159 ViewsThere are a number of local legends associated with the Baalbek complex. The complex was built by Giants at Nimrods request and was called the ‘Tower of Babel’.? It was built by King Solomon, with Djinns assistance, as a palace for the Queen of Sheba.? Zecharia Sitchin proposed the theory that the base on […]