13 103 ViewsAccording to the latest posts, these artefacts were discovered few years ago as archaeological teams moved inward and removed debris that was characteristically preserved by Mayan temple builders as they rebuilt the structures over time. Located in the inner rooms and spaces of a particular temple in Mexico, the collection of statu
VIDEO: Secret Video Archive of UFO Recordings Released.
4 944 ViewsArea 51 is the most secret and most protected area of the world by the US military. What is hidden in the bowels of an inaccessible base?North of Las Vegas, near the Nevada desert territory is the size of 15,000 km square. It is the most secret and most protected area of the world […]
Television filmed a UFO shooting down missiles during the attack on Iran
4 976 ViewsAl Jazeera TV filmed a cluster of UFOs and perhaps a triangular UFO in the sky, which shot down some drones and missiles heading towards Israel during Iran’s recent attack.
Aliens and ancient Egypt part1.
8 119 ViewsOne of the most recen accounts of possible interaction between egyptians and extraterrestrials comes from the tulli papyrus. According to reports, the tulli papyrus was discovered in a cairo antique shop by alberto tulli, a director of the vatican museum’s egyptian studies. The messages’ alleged translation reveals a shocking accoun
ANCIENT ALIENS – Return to Antarctica.
3 190 ViewsDid Antarctica once serve as a home base for extraterrestrial visitors to Earth for thousands of years? As human exploration of this continent continues, will we one day face the ruins of an ancient civilization buried beneath the ice? The largely unexplored continent of Antarctica has long been subject to rumors of UFOs, undergroun
Aliens. Secret Archives KGB .Russian Secret Book.
23 131 ViewsRussian Secret Book. Over the years, the book has been replenished, were added to the UFO photographs, as well as photographs and witnesses abducted (especially children), but also statistics. And much more! In the 80s he was found a copy of this book in the field in Buryatia (East Siberia). This copy of the […]
The mysteries of the Siberian “Valley of Death” Siberian UFO.part1.
16 341 ViewsAcross a vast area of sparsely populated Yakutia in Siberia, we find strange metal structures and evidence of devastating explosions similar to nuclear explosions that recur every six or seven centuries. In northwestern Yakutia in Siberia, in the basin on the upper reaches of the Viljuj River, there is a hard-to-reach area that s
Crop circles and mysterious objects in the sky during a Solar Eclipse10.6.2021.
14 000 Views Crop circle reported on the 8th of June, at Mud Lane, near Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire, UK. Wonderful aerial photos by Nick Bull. Photos of objects in the sky during a solar eclipse what is it? Ufo? Planet Nibiru?? Photo: That’s the perfect solar eclipse in Chokurdakh, North-Eastern Yakutia.. Now I photographed the sun […]