11 534 ViewsThe “Black Knight” Satellite? Nostradamus is quoted as saying mankind would discover a machine in space that was sent to us by the WATCHERS! The Black Knight Satellite? Over the sea in Florida! https://www.facebook.com/UFOkruhyvobilyainezahady/videos/478197223097622/ UFO hunters claim the satellite is an object approximately 13,000
March 11, 2012.- January 27.2019 That time, many people were confused and tried to explain the unprecedented event. Mysterious Happens in the Sun – NASA Is Hidding A Truth From Us
6 741 ViewsKincumbersky’s central coast Australia 5 th of January 2017′ I am looking at the sun and I see a planet? UFO? hitting sitting in our sun Planet? UFO? leaving our sun with a hole in it On in pack planet? UFO? the sun is this why our sun for a big hole it because […]
A mysterious object will pass near Earth in 2019. Scientists are confused about its origin!
6 048 ViewsThis mysterious object is known as 1991 VG and it was first spotted in November 1991 by astronomer James Scotti at the University of Arizona. Today, many conspiracy theorists think that this is a genuine “alien probe”, which is deliberately set to fly near Earth in 2019. The object has confused astronomers ever since […]
Videos: The TRUTH About Reptilians.
37 264 ViewsThey are among us. Blood-drinking, flesh-eating, shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids with only one objective in their cold-blooded little heads: to enslave the human race. They are our leaders, our corporate executives, our beloved Oscar-winning actors and Grammy-winning singers, and they’re responsible for th
NEW VIDEOS: UFO Filmed From Helicopter! UFO Sightings 2019 | Alien Planet
13 016 ViewsUFO Filmed From Helicopter! UFO Sightings 2019 “Alien Planet” Channel comes up with Latest UFO/Alien Sightings Videos.UFO sightings in outer space are sightings of unidentified flying objects reported by astronauts while in space that they could not explain at the time. These sightings were claimed as evidence for alien
The Old Bulgarian calendar is the oldest in the world, recognized by UNESCO. According to him, we expect 7525 years
13 576 ViewsThis is a great intellectual, scientific work of people who lived thousands of years before Christ. The Bulgarian calendar is more accurate than the Gregorian calendar and only a few seconds apart from the astronomical calendar. When Bulgaria was Great Bulgaria, everyone was guided by our calendar because we had the economic, polit
WARNING ! THIS IS NOT A FAKE! The Christmas painting, made from 1710 and titled “The Baptism of Jesus,”
6 068 ViewsThe Christmas painting, made from 1710 and titled “The Baptism of Jesus,” was created by Arendt de Gelder. It is located at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, UK. It highlights a large circular object that emits rays of light down, in this case to Jesus. “The four rays that descend from heaven to illuminate [&hel
VIDEO:Anti-Gravity & Levitation-Viktor Grebennikov
10 266 ViewsDan A. Davidison explains the basis behind Grebennikov’s findings and how certain insects really fly (levitate) linking how a spinning vortex creates a magnetic field counteracting gravity. It’s possible that an electrostatic effect is occurring too at the nano level. Magnetic Terracotta, Ancient Technology.
Secrets of the Secret Societies – Church!
13 748 ViewsA global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing are now available to the public. We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents. Find out what the government doesn’t want you to know. Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth Church There will not write […]