PHOTOS AND VIDEOS: Ancient astronauts-Anunnaki Ship-Nibiru. They Travel Through This Galaxy By Way Of A Planet Ship Named Nibiru: The Mother Ship.


15 601 ViewsHuge “Ezekiel’s Wheel” Type UFO Spotted In Our Solar System By STEREO A Camera. February 29, 2020 SOHO probe Registers Giant UFO by the Solar System everal UFO researchers claim to have seen a large UFO navigating our Solar System, thanks to the images transmitted by NASA’s SOHO probe. Experts pointed out th

Photos and Videos: Tulsa Oklahoma: Incredible captures What is it?


9 116 ViewsSomething very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet. Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? Tulsa Oklahoma: Incredible capture from Jack Hollingshead . What is it? People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear [&helli

Photos and Videos: Mystery Creature Caught on Tape – Alien or Rare and Creepy Creature Captured?


19 641 ViewsDo aliens exist? Hundreds of pictures and videos of UFOs are taken every year and enthusiasts believe many of them could be proof or even a hidden conspiracy. While some have been debunked as fake, there are still dozens that have left even the experts scratching their heads and wondering if we really have […]

Nostradamus is quoted as saying mankind would discover a machine in space that was sent to us by the aliens. in 2018 – 2020. Videos.


4 185 ViewsUFO-The Black Knight Satellite -The “Black Knight” Satellite? In 1899: Tesla developed a high-voltage, radio transmission equipment in Colorado Springs. Tesla announced that he was receiving a electrical signal which appears to intelligent. The signal was clearly repeated periodically with such a clear suggestion of number and order

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