4 878 ViewsFlight 513: The plane took off in 1954 in Germany and landed in Brazil in 1989 with dead passengers The Bermuda Triangle is one of the world’s most famous conspiracy theories and an important element in ideas about the supernatural. It was first found at sea, but later rumors and stories about the Bermuda […]
The mysteries of the Siberian “Valley of Death” Siberian UFO.part1.
16 341 ViewsAcross a vast area of sparsely populated Yakutia in Siberia, we find strange metal structures and evidence of devastating explosions similar to nuclear explosions that recur every six or seven centuries. In northwestern Yakutia in Siberia, in the basin on the upper reaches of the Viljuj River, there is a hard-to-reach area that s
Crop circles and mysterious objects in the sky during a Solar Eclipse10.6.2021.
14 000 Views Crop circle reported on the 8th of June, at Mud Lane, near Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire, UK. Wonderful aerial photos by Nick Bull. Photos of objects in the sky during a solar eclipse what is it? Ufo? Planet Nibiru?? Photo: That’s the perfect solar eclipse in Chokurdakh, North-Eastern Yakutia.. Now I photographed the sun […]
Photo:A bent light creature alien in crop circles?
16 326 ViewsSomething very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP?UFO. People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going on? […]
Are the newest crop circles a reference to ancient sumerian civilization?
12 861 ViewsThe Assyrian King and New Crop Circles? Stela of Shamshi-Adad V (823-811 BC) Assyrian, about 814 BC. From Nimrud. This stela shows the king worshipping in front of symbols of the gods. The Ancient Sumerian Texts Depicted A Large Planet Nibiru, Planet X. These ancient Sumerian texts also depict a race called the […]
NEWS VIDEO: Storm was accompanied by a mysterious Apocalyptic sound!
12 565 ViewsPuzzling sounds heard for only 2% of the people and no one knows why With frequent observations of these sounds, I noticed that this mysterious sound can be heard before or after the bigger earthquake in the world. It probably has a connection from the shifting of the lithospheric plates. The mysterious sound is […]
Evidence that our ancestors knew how to travel in time.
7 354 ViewsThe great physicist and visionary of the 19th century, Nikola Tesla, was obsessed with time travel. He worked on a time machine and supposedly succeeded, declaring, “I was able to see the past, the present, and the future at the same time.” If we look at history, we will find numerous texts that can […]
NEW PHOTOS: The TRUTH About Reptilians.
33 767 ViewsThey are among us. Blood-drinking, flesh-eating, shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids? The conspiracy theorist and New Age philosopher, who wore only turquoise for a time and insisted on being called Son of God-Head, says these “Annunaki” (the reptiles) have controlled humankind since ancient times; they count among