3 049 ViewsArchaeologists had no idea how huge their project was when they started excavating in Sântana, Romania, almost a decade ago. Only now do they realize that they are dealing with huge remains of the Bronze Age Citadel. More specifically, it is a fortress that was three times larger than the known Troy. ›› The […]
The Old Bulgarian calendar is the oldest in the world, recognized by UNESCO. According to him, we expect 7525 years
13 574 ViewsThis is a great intellectual, scientific work of people who lived thousands of years before Christ. The Bulgarian calendar is more accurate than the Gregorian calendar and only a few seconds apart from the astronomical calendar. When Bulgaria was Great Bulgaria, everyone was guided by our calendar because we had the economic, polit
4 836 ViewsKanál „Alien Planet“ prichádza s najnovšími videonahrávkami UFO / Alien Sightings. Pozorovania UFO vo vesmíre sú pozorovania neidentifikovaných lietajúcich objektov hlásených astronautmi, zatiaľ čo vo vesmíre nedokázali v tom čase vysvetliť. Tieto pozorovania boli nárokované ako dôkaz pre mimozemské návštevy ufológmi, hoci prozaické
5 462 ViewsIn Pinerolo the old hand down the story of a mysterious light that, in ancient times, even before the war, followed people at night in dark and lonely country roads, they called it “the culerc” – “… It was like a ball luminous round, not so big, like a pumpkin, it had a pale […]
Nibiru was spotted in Antarctica!
12 650 Views Something very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going […]
New Discoveries about the Ancient Babylon!
3 420 ViewsNew Discoveries about the Ancient Babylon! The story of this discovery begins at the summer of 2002, one of ranking official who owned a large private collection of artifacts from Mesopotamia which had never been made available to the academic community. The Great Importance of Ancient Babylon! King Nebuchadnezzar II, releasing a la
New video: What is it? NIBIRU,Star, Planet, or Alien ship?
4 259 Views**This is a very bright “star” which is really, a living starship and it is located in the southwest sky of Salem, Indiana 2:23am June 21, 2019 Video author: Gina Maria Colvin Hill **This is a very bright "star" which is really, a living starship and it is located in the southwest sky of Salem, […]
A video in India shows a glowing, triangular-shaped UFO in the sky.
12 584 ViewsThis is something different. This is not the sun. I believe this is not a UFO, this is something else,” says the eyewitness in the video. YouTube conspiracy theorists argued that Planet Nibiru has now appeared in the skies and is now on a collision course towards the earth. Others say it is an […]
NASA caught something unusual about PHOTO from Mars: Mysterious Alien.
13 420 ViewsTake a closer look and understand that an unidentified object is truly extraordinarily interesting.