An Ancient Egyptian Medallion Is the Proof for Contact With Alien Races (Video)


8 977 ViewsEgyptian gold jewelry were found in the tomb of Queen Zer and Queen Pu-abi of Ur in Sumeria and are the oldest examples found jewelry from the third millennium BC. Over the centuries, most Egyptian tombs robbed, stolen from tombs ended up in private collections and among them was puzzling medallion which is proof […]

NEW VIDEO: MARS, NASA has hidden images of “Pyramids and Statues” found by the Rover Curiosity


38 937 ViewsThe Curiosity rover on Mars has discovered and photographed pyramid structures and “statues” hidden among the rocks of the red planet, but NASA has tried to “hide” and even in some circumstances to destroy this evidence, all according to theorists of conspiracy. Proponents of the theory of ancient astronauts

The dark big planet on the border of our system is becoming more and more real. What is Mysterious Planet X? NIBIRU? Videos.


7 544 ViewsThe American astronomers Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin of the California Institute of Technology have arrived in January with the theory of the massive ninth planet of the Solar System. They analyzed the movement of objects in Kuiper’s belt, which includes Pluto. They noticed that several of these objects, including two larger o

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