Ancient civilizations had a connection from extraterrestrials, many of found artefacts suggests that yes!


8 105 Views Mexican artifacts about aliens. The reality of extraterrestrial contact with human civilization is becoming more clear by the month as streams of information about the extraterrestrial presence and past influence hits. While some of us still have our doubts about ET contact, many are starting to realize the truth that has been talk

Da Vinci’s 500 Year-Old Puzzle!


3 529 ViewsDa Vinci’s 500 Year-Old Puzzle Was Turned Into An Awesome Game For Adults. There are books, there are puzzles, and there are books full of puzzles — most of the latter are intended for children. Until now, that is: This is a wooden book where each page consists of a beautiful and extremely difficult […]

Book Leonardo da Vinci Lost to Slovakia.


7 286 Viewsilming large spectacle Legend of Flying Cyprian brought some unexpected and unpredictable events, shrouded in secrecy. The creators of historic images disappeared rare example in red leather bound book of drawings of flying machines with the signing of Leonardo da Vinci, which worked on the creation of the artists. Under the agreeme

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