38 743 ViewsTypical reptilians are described as 180-240 centimeters tall, two-legged creatures that have scaly, green skin, emit an unpleasant odor, they have large eyes, usually yellow or golden with vertical pupils. Sometimes they are associated with the myths of ancient astronauts who allegedly came to Earth to colonize the planet and promi
UFO or a natural phenomenon?. In Canada and Slovakia.VIDEO.
5 433 ViewsSomething very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or UFO, CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going […]
VIDEO: The mysterious UFO and aliens.
8 811 ViewsWhen you want to prove that Aliens exist on Earth… what would be the first thing you would ask for? In our views, it’s physical evidence. Without physical evidence saying that aliens exist is just a wild theory actually, but what if we had physical evidence? I guess at that moment we would probably […]
VIDEO: Exceptional discovery:Tombs of Egyptian rulers in secret hiding place..
2 756 ViewsThis amazing discovery would be incredible and historic enough just by virtue of the fact of its being that Queen Nefertiti fled with a small band of followers and escaped her husband’s fate at the hands of the corrupt Amun Priesthood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmwEwZDyXrU
VIDEOS: NIBIRU planet X. or giant spaceship, satelite?Judge for yourself!
11 965 ViewsNibiru Is Indeed a Planet or a Huge Spaceship – Satellite? Video. NIBIRU planet X. or giant spaceship, satelite?Judge for yourself! Sons of God Sumerian cosmogony speaks not only about the origin and evolution of our solar system, but also of the origin of life on earth and according to the following text was […]
VIDEOS: For these last weeks, large cracks or geological faults, have appeared in different regions of the world.
6 772 ViewsFor these last weeks, large cracks or geological faults, have appeared in different regions of the world or countries, Kenya, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Croatia and now in Queensland Australia
NASA: Amazing Mars Anomaly. Is This Spacecraft on Mars Similar to What Was found on the Moon?
6 938 ViewsAmazing Mars Anomaly discovered on Mount Sharp by Curiosity What are we seeing here? is this a base up on Mount Sharp or a Spacecraft similar to the one that has been discovered on Earths Moon? Link to Original Raw Image from http://www.midnightplanets.com/web/MSL/image/00045/0045MR0002080000102582E01_DXXX.html
Strange noises heard over the sky in Slovakia. Apocalyptic sounds?
7 188 ViewsMysterious signs. what it symbolizes In recent decades throughout the world appearing in the sky various strange phenomena such as hands, huge eyes, and crises that people associate with various portents of disaster, or with signs of biblical apocalypse. Can these unusual phenomena hide itself in some messages or with the human imag
Our Ancestors Knew New Technologies (Video)
9 171 ViewsCurrent time convincing me more and more that all what can be seen in professional books, hear on the radio or see on TV. far from being a monolithic whole truth about the current technological state of mankind. The world’s presumably already exist various advanced technologies to the general public from a largely selfish […]