An Ancient Egyptian Medallion Is the Proof for Contact With Alien Races (Video)


8 970 ViewsEgyptian gold jewelry were found in the tomb of Queen Zer and Queen Pu-abi of Ur in Sumeria and are the oldest examples found jewelry from the third millennium BC. Over the centuries, most Egyptian tombs robbed, stolen from tombs ended up in private collections and among them was puzzling medallion which is proof […]

Christmas Comet Flies to Earth! When it was here for the last time, Jesus was born.


3 232 ViewsThe “Comet of Christmas” is approaching the Earth, which is even visible through the eyes. It has a green color, and in good weather it’s really a spectacle. The ground will be closest to December 16 and will make the 10th closest documented Earth passage in human history. Comet belongs to the classic attributes [&

UFO. Corpuscular ship – Slovakia November. 2018. Light ship of the 5th dimension.


10 305 Views Corpuscular ship is constructed in detail in accordance with the law of God in the form of light energy. Light corpuscular ship is therefore better as a spiritual power manifested corpuscular ships. The ship can move faster than light. When the object moves faster than light, disappearing from sight. Goes into another dimension. [

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